
Interested in attending PoWER 2024? Registration can be found via POLY ACS:

Registration costs are as follows: $80 for POLY members, $100 for non-members, $40 for POLY members who are students/retirees/non-employed, and $50 for non-members who are students/retirees/non-employed. Registration will be capped at 150 attendees.

Speakers, workshop leaders, organizers, or sponsors who received a fee waiver should fill out the following form to complete their registration: All others should use the POLY ACS link at the top of the page to register.

Interested in presenting a poster at PoWER 2024? Any attendee is welcome to apply to present a poster at the conference. Fill out the form below or at to be considered for a poster and lightning talk by May 31st, 2024.